The company Flycom Technologies d.o.o. has been successfully included in phase A – public tender Support for startups, micro, small and medium enterprises in strategic sustainable and circular business transformation in the years 2022-2025 (abbreviation of the public tender: JR STKTP NOO 2022-2025) within the action of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism.
In the first part (Phase A), we were included in the Sustainable Business Strategies and Models Academy program (Academy TPSMP), carried out by the SPIRIT Slovenia agency.
In the course of the project execution, among other things, we addressed:
- Sustainable leadership and work organization
- Use of the latest sustainable materials, technologies, and services at competitive prices
- Employee development
- Paperless operations and zero municipal waste
- Optimization and digitization of all business processes.
The total value of the project amounts to 23,180.00 EUR, of which 23,180.00 EUR is co-financed from the Recovery and Resilience Plan fund.
The investment is co-financed by the European Union – NextGeneration EU
Project duration: October 2023 – February 2024.