We enter the new year with excitement about the projects and challenges ahead. But before we fully bid farewell to 2024, we’ve prepared a recap of our key business achievements.
Last year, due to the expansion of the company and the increased volume of work, we moved to new premises. We are now located on the outskirts of Ljubljana – Vižmarje, in a spacious, modern and open office.
At the beginning of the year, we completed a two-year LiDAR and photogrammetric project covering the whole of the Republic of Croatia, with an area of 56,594 km2. The project provided homogeneous topographic images from high quality spatial data, which are the basis for modelling and disaster risk assessment.
We have uploaded anonymous data of more than 100,000 users to our GIS platform for Triglav Insurance Company, which is part of the updated DRAJV map. The purpose of the application was to publicly present road safety data. The project was also recognised by the WEBSI competition for the largest digital projects in Slovenia, where we were awarded 1st place in the category “Use of data” and 3rd place in the category “Digital tools”.
In 2024, we continued the Cyclic Laser Scanning of Slovenia (CLSS) project and additionally covered and processed the areas of Celje, Velenje, Maribor and Murska Sobota, covering a total area of 6,806 km2. The data can be viewed in the new CLSS portal we have developed for GURS. The portal allows accurate, detailed and user-friendly data display and analysis, as well as easy measurements of points, distances, areas and angles. The portal works on computers as well as on tablets and mobile phones.
We have been part of many conferences, workshops and events such as SorS 2024, FOSS4G Europe 2024, 3D GeoInfo, INTERGEO Expo 2024, Open Day Photogrammetry 2024, EG-ICE on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, OSGeo Slovenia, GeoDev, Terrasolid education and actively participated in geodetic days. We also received #WEBSI 2024 awards.
We have been actively involved in a number of sustainable projects, such as “LIFT Forest – eVTOL AI”, which has combined advanced drone technology to create a digital twin of the forest, providing better insight into the state of forest biomass.
Inspired by responsible business towards society and the environment, on World Bee Day, 29 May, we decided to create and present the first learning beehive to the young beekeepers of the Simon Jenk Primary School, to introduce the importance of bees, ecosystems and a sustainable approach to nature to the younger generations. The Vincenc Draksler Foundation was also involved in the production, where recycled materials are given a new lease of life. Their social entrepreneurship programme involves ex-addicts and people with disabilities in decent working conditions. We have thus worked with many partners in the project and built a very positive story.
We also completed the “Multidimensional Sustainable Space Modelling” project, which provided training for drone pilots and invested in the purchase of drones. This has facilitated the actual detection processes, improved the level of detail captured and contributed to the development of a multi-modal 3D data display.
In the field of thermal, UV and visual inspection, we have photographed and inspected more than 17,000 km of transmission lines for various clients in Slovenia, Austria, Germany and Sweden.
Interested in what’s ahead in 2025? Follow our news and posts on social media.