Events Products & Services

CGI – Big Data Big Business Challenge Finalist

06. Nov 2018

Our company, Flycom, was announced as one of the top three finalists at the international competition Copernicus Masters, within the CGI Big Data Big Business Challenge. The aim of the competition is defining the solutions with global potential that use Copernicus data to address real business problems.

Flycom there presented their top two products, GMS-GIS for Insurance and GMS-GIS Flood Mapping Module. Flycom’s GMS-GIS Flood Mapping Module cross-references waterlogged areas retrieved from satellite data with georeferenced insurance data. This will provide insurers with a tool that: calculates their risk exposure by aggregating risks and identifying overexposed and underdeveloped areas; locates their customers and resources; and allocates their exposure budgeting based on the hazard data.

The winner will be announced at the Copernicus Masters awards ceremony on 4th December during the European Space Week.


You can read more about the competition on the following link: